Soakerpunk 2077

It’s been awhile since I did one of these. Granted, while I haven’t played the video game, once-upon-a-time, I used to play Shadowrun, a role-playing game set in a similar sort-of dystopian future. I’ll post up a larger version of this graphic on soon so that some of the other changes to this screen capture from Cyberpunk 2077 become more apparent.

Update: Posted on

Enjoy and soak on!

First Day of Summer, 2019

Happy First Day of Summer, 2019!

For me, it’s been actually one of the first days since the start of the year that it’s actually felt like summer. Alas, also like things have been for me since the start of the year, finding time to test and review the latest water blasters has been few and far between. I did recently pick up a couple of the Nerf Fortnite Super Soaker water blasters (specifically, the HC-E and R1; haven’t gotten the TS-R, yet). Unfortunately, haven’t had a chance to take pictures, let alone measure any statistics on either of them.

I also acknowledge that I’m behind on reviews, notably for the Nerf Super Soaker Hydra and Nerf Super Soaker Piranha. I hope to get at least one review up by end of next week, but life keeps on dropping surprises on me so only time will tell.

Granted, this warm weather is inspiring me to want to go out and do some field testing using some of these new water blasters on friends and family. Hope others are making better use of the weather than I’ve managed to do, thusfar.

Soak on!

Hands-On: Water Warriors Trident (2019)

With the weather finally starting to feel like Spring (nearly a month after the official first day of Spring), I managed to find time to do a little testing of the new pump-action Water Warriors Trident by Buzz Bee Toys Inc.

The Trident is aptly names since it produces three streams with every pump. However, the Trident has a functioning trigger that allows one to toggle whether the streams are parallel (default setting) or spread (trigger fully pulled). One can theoretically set the nozzles apart at a variety of angles by only partially pulling the trigger, but this is tricky to do in practice since it is a pump-action blaster that requires continuous arm movement to generate its streams.

Check out the review of the Water Warriors Trident (2019) on for more details.

Soak on!

Water Warriors Trident (2019)

Looks like there’s at least one new Water Warriors water blaster for 2019, the Water Warriors Trident.

The Water Warriors Trident appears to be a pump-action water blaster with three nozzles. The nozzles can be spread apart at varying angles by pulling on the trigger. In this sense, I’d classify this as a novelty blaster with some actual tactical benefit in the field. Of course, need to see how the streams actually perform.

More information coming soon…

NASA’s Launch Pad Water Deluge System

Well, NASA has recently done some testing of its heat/flame control system that helps keep the launch platform safer during rocket launches. Granted, with an ability to release about half-a-million gallons of water in 60 seconds, we are REALLY talking about a water gun with output rated at ~1,066,667x. Its ability to produce the 100′ man-made geysers is a nice effect. Granted, there appear to be three primary nozzles so each one has an output of a mere ~355,556x

Not bad…  I want one!


Soak on!

Upcoming 2019 Nerf Super Soaker Models

Seems like news on upcoming Nerf Super Soaker models can be discovered a little earlier every year.

This year, found info and some pics on at least three (3) new 2019 Nerf Super Soaker models:

  • Nerf Super Soaker Hydra
  • Nerf Super Soaker Barracuda
  • Nerf Super Soaker Piranha


The Hydra appears to be an inverted Nerf Super Soaker SoakZooka while the Piranha is a trigger-based water blaster. No image is available for the Barracuda, but from its description, it has two stacked barrels that blast (continuously?) while pumping. Images and information obtained from Entertainment Earth.

More information on these water blasters as they become available.

Soak on!

End-of-Summer, 2018

No, I don’t know where Summer, 2018 went for me. Well, that’s not 100% accurate, but what I can say is that life/work/other responsibilities have kept me far busier than I had initially anticipated.

Nevertheless, while this site and my other sites such as this other small site of mine have not had many updates, they are merely temporarily dormant and far from forgotten. In fact, I’ve begun making some tweaks and considering what type of updates I can realistically do on a more regular basis.

Will post again once I have more concrete updates and new content to share.

For now, for those in the higher Northern latitudes, enjoy the warm weather while it lasts; fall cometh and winter will be here before we know it.

Soak on!