Nerf Super Soaker Rebelle Infinity Fire (2017) preview

Stumbled across another Nerf Super Soaker water blaster model I haven’t come across before on this Swiss website – the Nerf Super Soaker Rebelle Infinity Fire

nerf_super_soaker_rebelle_infinity-fireLooks like it’s a pump-action water blaster, but meant to be braced against one’s shoulder (slightly) to provide more stability/power when using? Not sure how much better it will perform compared to older models like the Nerf Super Soaker Rebelle Blue Crush.

Super Soaker Book – by Al Davis, 2006

supersoaker_book_aldavis_01Here’s a rather different piece of Super Soaker history. Not really sure how many copies of this book were printed, but this book, by Al Davis (one of the co-founders of Larami Corp. together with Myung Song), gives his personal recounts of how he saw the Super Soaker come to life as well as other insights about life at Larami pre- and post- Super Soaker.

I haven’t finished reading the book, yet. Will post more on this once I do.

iSoakin’ the Moon? – 20161116

While the Super Moon was the other day, after looking longer at the picture of the moon I took yesterday, I realized that the moon also features a re-interpretation of the logo on the bottom-left side!

What do you think?


I have a suspicion that that blast mark/crater wasn’t left by an asteroid – it was left by an extremely powerful water blaster from the future that tore through the fabric of space/time, leaving it’s mark on our present day moon!  Really!

The Moon – 20161115


Biggest super moon in nearly 69 years! I tried to get a water blaster into the same frame, but the pictures just didn’t turn out well. Then again, for what it’s worth, I don’t see a “Man in the Moon” as much as I can see a “Water Warriors Kwik Grip in the Moon“.

Can you see it, too?


Nerf Super Soaker HoverFlood (2017) preview

super_soaker_hoverfloodLearned about the upcoming Nerf Super Soaker HoverFlood device on this German website. This does not appear to be a water blaster, per se, but rather a type of sprinkler that, with adequate hose pressure, will cause the blades to spin and the upper sprinkler-section to rise into the air, held aloft by its spinning blade. Could be fun, but how well it actually works remains to be tested.