Finally got around to updating the Nerf Super Soaker History page on to get it caught up for 2016. Yes, it’s already 2017 – I could list a bunch of excuses, but I figure better to get things mostly up-to-date. Regarding 2017 Nerf Super Soaker models, in light that things have changed between initial images and actual availability, I am waiting to see what actually makes it into stores before adding those models to the list.
iSoak’D 159 posted
Given all the snow we’ve received recently (though it got warmer yesterday), I got inspired. Please enjoy iSoak’D 159 for all its twistedness.
Anyone game for making a real-life one and sharing a picture?
Internal Pictures of the Water Warriors Gargantua posted
Took them awhile ago, but somehow never got around to posting them. Fixed that now – enjoy these internal pictures of the Water Warriors Gargantua.
Soak on!
iSoak’D 158: Back to the “From the Future” – 2
iSoak’D 158: Back to the “From the Future” 2 posted on Enjoy!
Nerf Super Soaker (2017) MSRP from Hasbro
Looks like Hasbro has updated their page for Nerf Super Soaker products with the new items for 2017.
Pricing looks to be a little different than what Entertainment Earth had listed. Most are $1.00 or more cheaper.
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Contaminator – $14.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Infector – $9.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Hoverflood – $24.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Dartfire – $19.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Zombinator – $17.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Floodinator – $14.99
- Nerf Super Soaker Freezefire 2.0 – &7.99
Nerf Super Soaker (2017) early pricing
Found some early pricing on some of the upcoming Nerf Super Soaker items for 2017 on Entertainment Earth.
- Nerf Super Soaker FreezeFire 2.0 – $8.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker HoverFlood – $29.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker Dartfire – $23.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker Floodinator – $15.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Zombinator – $18.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Infector – $10.99 USD
- Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Contaminator – $15.99 USD
Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Contaminator (2017) pictures found
Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Contaminator (2017) pictures found on Entertainment Earth.
This blaster also appears to be a pump-action water blaster with “Zombie”-based styling.
Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Infector (2017) pictures found
Pictures of the Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Infector (2017) pictures found on Entertainment Earth.
This blaster appears to be a small, pistol-sized pump-action water blaster with “Zombie”-styling.
Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Zombinator (2017) pictures found
Pictures and info for the upcoming Nerf Super Soaker Zombie Strike Revenge Zombinator (2017) found on Entertainment Earth.
Looks like an interestingly-styled pump action water blaster that apparently fires three (3) streams of water. Whether the number of streams that fire per pump can be toggled remains unknown at the moment.