Coming soon to

Coming soon to – lots of new pictures of items few have likely seen. Managed to get my hands on a number of rare Super Soaker items from the past and will be sharing information and pictures over the coming weeks of the various additions to the water blaster collection.

Soak on!

How do you measure water blaster performance?

Many avid water warfare enthusiasts proclaim “We want high performance water blasters!” Those familiar with the Super Soaker CPS Series will often point back to the water blaster models released between 1996-2002 and declare those are the blasters to serve as golden standards and preferably to beat!

However, taking a step back, what do we define as a high performance water blaster? Sure, attributes like styling, build, ergonomics, and durability are important, but they are not measures of performance (or are they?) For sake of argument, this current discussion will focus on water stream generation performance. However, even limiting the discussion to this still leaves plenty of room for a lot of complexity. Perhaps in some future article, we can view water blasters more holistically.

Continue reading “How do you measure water blaster performance?”

The Changing Water Blaster / Water Gun Landscape

Posted an article on to share my thoughts on: The Changing Water Blaster / Water Gun Landscape

Excerpt from the article:

However, one thing is for certain: the entire water blaster category’s footprint is shrinking in retail stores. I recall the days back in the 1980s and 1990s when, during spring, water blasters and water guns would occupy at least one entire side of a toy aisle (from 16′ to 24′, sometimes over 40′ of shelving space, floor to ceiling). Today, walking down the toy aisles, I would be lucky to find a water blaster section occupying 4′ or 8′ of shelf space with the remainder of the seasonal water toy aisle is now occupied by pool toys, beach toys, and other water play-related items.

Hope you guys find these thoughts informative in these challenging times. Soak on!

New “Splash” Graphics Added to for 2017

Some more landing page “splash” graphics have been added into the random image display for I’ll admit that while I’ve toyed with the idea of making the background image of the header for also random, I realized it became overly distracting when browsing pages. Changing images are good in some places, but consistency tends to win out for navigational elements.