The Nerf Super Soaker Torrent is, in a word, disappointing.
First, it is only about 12″ (30cm) from nozzle to the end of the pump grip, looking and feeling rather small. What got me most intrigued by this water blaster, despite being an obvious syringe-type soaker, was how the stream would look and behave.
Alas, due to the elongated shape of the nozzle, the Torrent dribbles… a lot. You pretty much need to load and shoot as quickly as possible, otherwise most of the water you thought you had will have leaked out of the nozzle. I suppose one can minimize water loss by holding the blaster vertically with the nozzle pointed upwards just after filling, but that is far from a comfortable position.
The stream generated it fun being tall and thin, likely able to soak a target more rapidly since the stream does cover more area. Alas, the dribble issue as well as the somewhat awkward feel of the pump grip will limit how far away from a refill spot one can actually use the Torrent.
While I may do a little more testing with the Nerf Super Soaker Torrent, I had higher hopes for the “fun” factor of this water blaster.
Soak on!